Monday, June 09, 2008

Manners Matters!

when someone discusses a certain issue, regardless of what context or main theme of that discussion, whether it is politics, social, religious, the other sitting around would listen and exchange ideas and point of views. However, there are who play the wise man role and come with a sort of counter-argument presented in some sort of self-confidence, not based on the information that person or the source, but to disgrace all those gathering around and their opinions. Some years ago I joined two guys in a political discussion about Iraq. It was during the time when Iraqis were suffering grievely from the impact of the economic sanctions imposed after the second Gulf War in 1991. While I was giving my point of view one of the guys was interrupting me more than once; either by pointing his finger stopping me from keep on talking, or almost start yelling and objecting on what I was saying. After a couple of times of blood-nerving attitude from that guy, I got angry and I asked him plainly to shut-up. I asked him why is he doing this? instead of listen to the other then give his own opinion. He was ashamed, and with a shy smile he replied: "in politics, a good and a smart politician must not give his opponent a chance to finish"!! Then he giggled lightly at the joke! A year later we met more frequently, this time I noticed that that guy has adapted to a new method in imposing his point of view and ideas on others; He became a super manipulator, by sneaking in certain words and sentences with soft tone of voice like luring someone into some kind of agreement.

If that guy I mentioned above use tricks in forcing his own opinion, there are others who would reject any idea and launch some kind of a verbal attack against others, including bad mouthing in a series of insults and abuse to the opinions of others.

From that I asked myself whether the concept of freedom of opinion can be applied to such people in public gatherings (including the internet, Radio, and TV). Or should such community scumbags like those be denied access to all means of communication with others?


david santos said...

EURO 2008


Anonymous said...

I beleive Mix we should all have the freedom of opinions or speech...It is up to the listener to evaluate what they are saying... staying to listen or choosing to 'walk away'...

I certainly need to hear all sides of an arguement so I can make a clear choice of whom to believe...

ps... did you check that guys blog before me...weird

MixMax said...

I won't agree with you more, Abbey. I believe that listening to different opinion, even if they harsh or abusive can be a learning experience too.