Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Retirement & Consciousness

Another retired military/intelligence expert decided to come out and admit using harsh treatment to prisoners. How come the notorious Donald Rumsfeld didn’t follow suit like Lieutenant General Ricardo S. Sanchez? It seems that those guys looked in the mirror more often after retirement and decided collectively to take the next step for them to clear consciousness, and to disclose either their disgust with their superior’s policy or admitting doing wrong (soft word for crime against humanity).

P.S. picture is courtesy of Eddi The Yetti


Chelsea + Shiloh said...

Mmmm, I heard this on Radio National was due to the destruction of the vidoetapes...however in the interview I heard, he didnt display any remorse and was saying how it was effective, and giving specific examples.of who it had been used on, how, how soon it took to make a man talk..I will see if I can find the podcast...

Chelsea + Shiloh said...

No i only had it 1/2 right...he said he didnt 'entirely' approve..but went on to justify using it...would this retired army man of said anything if the possiblilty/threat of the tapes resurfacing hadnt been there nor the inquiry that the Justice Department is now holding were not there..i dont believe his motives are from remorse...

Unknown said...

hello Mix...where are you? missing you....let us know you are ok please... kyles